Tag: guide

Simple Ways to Squirt During Sex

“Female ejaculation,” more commonly known as squirting, is the release of fluid mixture from the Skene’s glands during sexual arousal or orgasm. Despite its somewhat controversial nature and limited scientific research, squirting has become increasingly popular in recent years as more people explore and embrace their sexuality. Most people go to the extent of getting toys from a sex shop but still cannot manage to squirt. In this article, we’ll explore six simple ways for women to achieve squirting orgasms during sex.

Relaxation Techniques

Stress and tension can inhibit sexual arousal and prevent squirting from occurring. Therefore, it’s important to create a relaxed and comfortable environment in which both partners can feel at ease. Some effective relaxation techniques include deep breathing training, meditation or mindfulness practices, and taking a warm bath or shower together before sex.

G-spot Stimulation

The G-spot is an erogenous zone found on the vagina’s anterior wall (facing the belly button). It is a spongy tissue that, when stimulated, may provide great sexual pleasure and squirting orgasms. To stimulate the G-spot, use your fingers or a G-spot vibrator and apply firm pressure in a “come hither” motion. Experiment with different speeds, pressures, and angles to find what feels best for you.

Clitoral Stimulation

The clitoris is a sensitive part of the female body and is a key player in achieving squirting orgasms. To stimulate the clitoris during sex, try positions that allow for easy access to this area (e.g., woman on top, doggy style). Use your fingers or a clitoral vibrator to apply direct or indirect pressure to the clitoris. Experiment with different speeds, pressures, and patterns to find what feels best for you.

Deep Penetration

Deep penetration can help stimulate the G-spot and create intense sensations that may lead to squirting orgasms. Try positions that allow for deep penetration (e.g., missionary with legs raised, standing bent over). Experiment with various angles and depths of penetration to find what feels best for you.

Mind-body Connection

The mind-body connection plays a crucial role in sexual arousal and orgasm, including squirting orgasms. By focusing your attention on the pleasurable sensations in your body and letting go of any inhibitions or distractions, you can enhance your sexual experience and increase your chances of squirting. Some helpful techniques include mindful masturbation or self-pleasure practices and incorporating elements of fantasy or role-play into your sex life.


Remember that squirting is not the ultimate goal of sex—pleasure and connection should always be the focus. It’s also important to note that not all women can squirt, and that’s perfectly okay. Everyone’s body is different, and what works for one person may not work for another.…

Thrilling Threesomes: Exploring the Art of Multiple-Partner Relationships

Having a threesome can be an exhilarating sexual experience, but it also requires careful consideration and communication. Whether you’re in a committed relationship or exploring with casual partners, threesomes can add a new level of intimacy and pleasure to your sex life. However, to ensure that everyone involved feels safe, respected, and satisfied, there are several important factors to consider. Below are some key tips for having a successful threesome.

Communicate Openly

Communication is the cornerstone of any healthy sexual interaction, especially one involving numerous individuals. Before participating in a threesome, it is critical to have an open and honest discussion with all persons involved. Discuss boundaries, desires, and expectations to ensure that everyone is on the same page. This includes discussing safer sex practices such as condom use and STI testing.

Choose Your Partners Wisely

Threesomes require trust and compatibility among all participants. Take the time to choose partners who are respectful, enthusiastic, and trustworthy. It’s important that everyone involved feels comfortable expressing their desires and setting boundaries.

Set Boundaries

Boundaries are essential in threesomes. Communicate your limitations and respect the boundaries of others involved. This might include what acts are off-limits or preferences for certain activities or positions.

Take Things Slowly

Threesomes can be overwhelming, especially if this is your first time experiencing one. Take things slow and check in with each other along the way to ensure that everyone is feeling comfortable and enjoying themselves.

Focus on Pleasure for All

The goal of any sexual encounter should be mutual pleasure for all participants – this is especially true during threesomes. Be attentive to the needs and desires of everyone involved, taking turns focusing on each person’s pleasure.

Practice Safer Sex

Just like in any sexual encounter, it’s important to practice safer sex during threesomes. This involves using condoms and other barriers to prevent the spread of STIs. It’s also a good idea to talk about everyone’s STI status before starting any sexual activity.

Be Mindful of Feelings

Threesomes can bring up a variety of emotions for all parties involved, so it’s important to be mindful of each other’s feelings. Check in with each other throughout the experience and afterward to ensure that everyone feels supported and cared for.


After the threesome is over, make sure to provide aftercare for all participants. This might include cuddling, talking, or simply spending time together to process the experience. Threesomes can be an exciting and fulfilling sexual experience when approached with care and consideration. By following these tips and prioritizing communication and consent, you can develop a safe and pleasurable environment for everyone involved.…

The Must-Know Lesbian Dating Rules

It’s a minefield when dating from the same sex. And especially when the sex is the fairer one. Many would think it’s easier since you deal with similar issues like shopping, bodyweight challenges, gossip, PMS, tantrums, mood swings, sulks, and occasional joy. However, it isn’t the case. Here are the top rules to keep in mind before you sign up for lesbian dating on adult finder.

Take Your Timesitting

It’s easy to rush into dating and sex. However, it would help if you had time to know someone, and most women don’t know themselves well. Being thoughtful means spending some time looking back on your life and establishing what didn’t work and what worked in past relationships. You’re past blaming your previous girlfriend and willing to own where you messed up.


Get Out of the House

Online dating is essential, buts it’s just a way to meet other single women. Plan to get out of your home and be seen. This might involve joining meet-up groups and attending them. Also, you can google the lesbian scene in your city, LGBT pride events and bars, LGBT meet-up groups, and community centers. Find events that you can attend and show up. Women should know you are ready, accessible, and available, and part of it is to be seen at events.

Know That No One Is Single

coupleThey may sit across the coffee table telling you with almost puppy eyes, but no one is single in the lesbian scene. There’s always an undercurrent that includes one-night stands, friends with benefits, and exes with strings attached. So you need to brush up on your logic and math as you figure out whether the girl is just playing the field or single. It would help if you wisened up when you don’t want heartbreak and become the community’s latest gossip. Read her undercurrents.

If she’s constantly on BBM, if her best friend is continually picking and dropping her, or if she is flirty on chat but isn’t in person, you can safely assume that she’s not single.

Develop Common Interests

ladiesNothing kills relationships faster than looking at each other while sitting on a couch. Since you’ll be spending more time together, getting involved with something exciting for you is best. This can include volunteering at a local animal shelter, traveling, or golfing. Find common interests and turn them into pleasurable experiences. There’s always a wrong way to begin dating and relationships. Following the tips above, you’ll make life happier and easier, making dating less crazy.…

Buying Sex Supplements Online

Most people will agree with the statement that the internet has changed our lives in so many ways. We live in a time where most things can be done through the internet, including shopping. When most people think of online shopping, very few may be thinking of buying sex supplements.

There is a growing online market for adults, and many are taking notice. So, if you are looking to buy sex-enhancing pills or supplements to increase semen amount, the information in this post will be beneficial. Below are some considerations one should make when purchasing sex supplements online.

What Are Your Wants?

cursorEven though many people may be looking for one particular sex supplement, each person may have different wants and needs. Before you proceed to buy any supplements online, you need to consider what you actually want. The online market is flooded with sex supplements that have different effects. For example, some supplements may help men with erectile dysfunction, while other supplements may be ideal for men with low testosterone levels. Once you establish what you are looking for in a sex supplement, you can make the right choice when shopping online.

What Did Your Doctor Say?

One of the challenges brought by the internet is that many people get information regarding their health online and refrain from seeking guidance from doctors. Even though you may get information like the side effects of a given sex supplement online, it will be wise to ensure you talk to your doctor. Your doctor will help you find the right supplements as they have extensive knowledge regarding such supplements. Most people who use sex supplements may have health problems related to sex. A doctor will help you know why you are facing issues with your sex life and offer the right solutions. You may be surprised that solutions like changing what you eat, reducing stress, and working out more often may be an excellent alternative to sex supplements.

What Website Are You Using?

onlineIt is also crucial to note that many websites sell sex supplements online. Most people will be overwhelmed by the sheer number of sites selling sex supplements. As some websites may not be genuine as they claim, you need to ensure that you buy sex supplements from credible sites. You can check the licenses a site has and also read online reviews and ratings. Avoid websites that are known for the wrong reasons.

When choosing a website, some of the factors to look for are the products offered, their prices, and customer service. So the next time you plan to buy sex supplements online, you should consider the tips mentioned in this blog post. Sex supplements may be the answer to the sex-related problems you are facing. You can do more online research on the topic for additional information. Hopefully, you find the solution you are looking for.…